For athletes in Year 7-12 who are serious about their sport and want to explore the Christian faith

About the Camp

Sports Plus is an intense week of specialist sports coaching and team competitions for young athletes (Year 7-12) who are serious about sport and play regularly in a club or team. A focus of the camp is exploring who Jesus is and what it means to be a Christian in sport (you don't need to be a Christian to come to Sports Plus but helps if you are interested in exploring who Jesus is).You can choose one of these sports to get serious coaching in: cricket, netball (indoor), soccer, rugby union, triathlon, kayaking or basketball. Choose a sport that you regularly compete in for first sport. There are opportunities to try other sports across the week in second sport and each day there's intense competition during Team Challenge.Sports Plus is a 6-day fully residential camp that runs in the second week of the July school holidays. In 2025 Sports Plus Camp will run from Sunday 3 pm 6th July til 12 pm on Friday 11th July at Swan Valley Adventure Centre.Cost is $549 for young athletes - this is exceptional value when compared to other non-residential, non catered sports camps charging $110 per day. We also offer a $50 discount if coming with siblings or $70 if coming interstate or from regional WA.

Sports Plus Program

Athlete and Leader Stories

Watch these playlists of the stories of past athletes and leaders!

Our Team

All of our coaches and team leaders at Sports Plus have experience playing their sport at a high level and/or as coaches. Every coach is a follower of Christ and so brings an understanding of what it means to be a Christian in their particular sports culture.All of our coaches (and, in fact all staff) are volunteers, giving up time, holidays and expertise to help keep the cost down for young people.

Sign up as an Athlete, Leader or Coach

It's important that you select a first sport that you regularly compete in as you will be playing alongside other competitive athletes - and we want everyone to get the most out of camp! You will need to bring your own equipment for your first sport. There is opportunity to try out new sports in the afternoon sport sessions.Please note the discount options if you are coming from regional WA or are signing up multiple children from the same family. If you are going through financial hardship please get in contact with us.If you're thinking of coming as a leader or coach for the first time, please contact us and we'll get in touch with you.

Our Story

If you're involved in sport you know the thrill of using your body, of running, jumping, passing, swimming, moving, dancing, hitting, kicking, training, competing... You know the strong friendships and communities that form through sport. And you're one of the 5.2 million* in Australia who understanding this! That's 28% of our nation who are involved in organised sport! 5.2 million that are enjoying the gift of sport! God calls us to "go and make disciples of all nations" and the 'nation' of sports people in Australia is big. And it's not just in Australia, watch the vision video below about the global sports ministry movement.

Here at Sports Plus all our leaders and coaches are Christians in sport and the vision is for young people to recognise that their ability to play sport is a gift from God. Sport is such a gift and we want young athletes to be able to come to a camp that enables them to receive quality coaching and improve in their sport. Alongside this we want to give each young athlete the opportunity to explore who Jesus is, what He's done for them and what it means to be a Christian in Sport. So you don't need to be a Christian to attend Sports Plus (in fact 30% of those who attend aren't associated with a church) but just willing to explore who Jesus is.

On Mission Games

The Sports Plus model started in the UK by Christians in Sport. In 2013 a group of us in Perth decided to get Sports Plus Perth going (though there is no official association with Christians in Sport). The first Sports Plus was held in Perth in July 2014.We are a non-profit event of On Mission Games and all our coaches, leaders and staff contribute financially to coming to Sports Plus. We never want to see young athletes turned away from coming to Sports Plus because of lack of finance. If you are able please get in touch to donate and support a young person or leader to come. Donations towards administration costs are also appreciated.

Contact us

Have more questions? Flick us a message :-)

Thank you for getting in touch

One of the team will be in contact soon.